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ATE 系列断路器的监控测温系统根据 《NB/T 42086-2016 无线测温装置技术要求》 开发,可用于3~35kV 户内开关柜,包括中置柜、手车柜、固定柜、环网柜等多种开关柜;也可用于 0.4kV 低压柜,包括固定柜,抽屉柜等。无线测温传感器可安装于柜内任何发热点上,利用无线数据传输技术实时发送监测数据,再通过接收装置将温度数据传输到显示装置或者远程监控系统。高压断路器测温系统

  • 产品型号:ATE200P
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2023-08-24
  • 访  问  量:491



1 安装指南

1 Installation Guide

1.1 产品概述

1.1 Product Introduction

ATE 系列无线测温传感器根据 《NB/T 42086-2016 无线测温装置技术要求》 开发,可用于3~35kV 户内开关柜,包括中置柜、手车柜、固定柜、环网柜等多种开关柜;也可用于 0.4kV 低压柜,包括固定柜,抽屉柜等。无线测温传感器可安装于柜内任何发热点上,利用无线数据传输技术实时发送监测数据,再通过接收装置将温度数据传输到显示装置或者远程监控系统。

ATE series wireless temperature measuring sensor has been developed in compliance withSpecification for Wireless Temperature Measuring equipment, NB/T 42086-2016. It is suitable for 3-35kVindoor switchgears, including built-in switchgears, handcart switchgears, fixed switchgears and loop-netswitchgears. It is also suitable for 0.4kV low-voltage switchgears such as fixed switchgears and drawerswitchgears. The wireless temperature sensors can be installed at any heating point in switchgears, thedevice utilizes the wireless data transmission technology for real-time transmission of monitoredtemperature data. In addition, it can be transmitted to display device or remote intelligent monitoring system.

1.2 型号说明

1.2 Type Introduction


1.3 技术指标

1.3 Technical Features




1.4 产品安装

1.4 Product Installation


There are several types of wireless temperature sensors and mounting methods correspondingly, i.e.Magnetic , bolted , belt and alloy chip fixing.

1.4.1 外形尺寸

1.4.1 Shape Size



1.4.2 标签说明

1.4.2 Label Instructions ATE 传感器搭配 ASD/ARTM-Pn 装置 ATE sensor with ASD/ARTM-Pn device


如 果 安 装 ATE100M/ATE100/ATE200/ATE400/ATE100P/ATE200P , 其 组 号 应 与 显 示 装 置ASD/ARTM-Pn 的标签组号一致,安装位置依照标签文字安装,“编码:1A"为安装第一个 A 相,“编码:1B"为安装第一个 B 相,以此类推。

If the sensor is ATE100M/ATE100/ATE200/ATE400/ATE100P/ATE200P, the number behind “组号(Group):" should be the same as ASD/ARTM-Pn, the sequence of installation is base on the label, “编码(Code):1A" is first one on the phase A, “编码(Code):1B" is first one on the phase B,and soon.


Notice: wireless temperature sensors and display device in the package have been matchedbefore delivery. Do not use them with other display device or other wireless temperature sensorstogether. Please installing them with label on the sensor. ATE 传感器搭配 ATC600-C ATE sensor with ATC600-C


如图所示,如果安装 ATE100M/ATE100/ATE200/ATE400/ATE100P/ATE200P/ATE300P,其组号 应与 ATC600-C 的组号一致,安装位置依照标签文字安装,“编码:001"建议安装在第一个柜子的 第一个测温点,再依次按照测温点顺序安装。

According to the above pictures, If the sensor is ATE100M/100/200/400/100P/200P/300P, the group number of ATE must be same as the group number of ATC600-C and the installation order is base on the label. The code of each sensor is used to distingguish each sensor from same group. “编码(code): 001" is recommended to be installed on the first temperature measuring point of the first cabinet, and then installed other sensors in this order. ATE300M 传感器搭配 ATC600-M 收发器 ATE300M sensor with ATC600-M coordinator


如果安装 ATE300M 传感器,其组号应与 ATC600-M 的组号一致,安装位置依照标签文字安装,“编码:001"建议安装在第一个柜内,再依次按照测温点顺序安装。

If the sensor is ATE300M, the group number of ATE must be same with the group number ofATC600-M and the installation order is base on the label. The code of each sensor is used to distingguisheach sensor from same group. “编码(code): 001" is recommended to be installed on the first cabinet,

1.4.3 安装方法

1.4.3 Installation Method ATE100M 安装方法 ATE100M Installation Method

ATE100M 磁吸式无线测温传感器适用于铁质的电气节点或设备表面。

The magnetic wireless sensor ATE100M is suitable for iron electrical nodes or equipment surfaces.

磁吸式无线温度传感器 ATE100M 结构说明:

Structure introduction of ATE100M:

1 —— 无线温度传感器主体 The core of wireless temperature sensor ATE100M

2—— 测温部位 Thermo-sensitive part

3 —— 电池开关 battery switch



Adsorbed directly at the iron temperature measuring point, open the battery switch before installation,the power indicator flashes twice. The installation examples see images below. ATE100 安装方法 ATE100 Installation Method

ATE100 螺栓式无线测温传感器适用于电缆与母排搭接处,电缆与隔离刀闸搭接处。

The bolted type wireless sensor ATE100 is suitable for use at joints between cable and bus bar andjoints between cable and disconnector.

ATE100 螺栓式无线温度传感器结构说明:

ATE100 structure introduction:

1 —— 无线温度传感器主体 The core of wireless temperature sensor ATE100

2 —— 测温部位 Thermo-sensitive part

3 —— 电池开关 battery switch



Remove the screw from the joints, and fixing the sensor on the position with the hole on the alloy baseplate, then tighten the screw, open the battery switch before installation, the power indicator flashestwice. The installation examples see images below.

image.png ATE200 安装方法 ATE200 Installation Method

ATE200 表带式无线测温传感器适用于断路器动触头、静触头、电缆接头、母排等处。

The strap-secured type called ATE200 is suitable for use at moving contacts and fixed contacts of breaker, cable joints and bus bar.


ATE200 structure introduction:

1 —— 无线温度传感器主体,测温探头在背面 The core of wireless temperature sensor ATE200,temperature measuring probe is on the other side

2 —— 表带及锁扣 strap and hasp

3 —— 电池开关 battery switch



注:ATE200 可安装静触头,铜排,电缆头。

Fixing the body of sensor on the position, then strapping it on the bus bar or breaker contact and frapping it through the hole on the strap, fixing the strap by hasp. Clipping the strap if it is too long when finished, if it is too short, contacting us for strap parts before installation. Open the battery switch before installation, the power indicator flashes twice.The installation examples see images below.

Note: ATE200 can be installed with fixed contact, copper plate and cable head.

image.png ATE400 安装方法 ATE400 Installation Method

ATE400 迷你型无线温度传感器适用于动触头,母排,电缆,母排、电缆搭接处等多种场合。

The mini type called ATE400 is suitable for using at moving contacts, bus bars, cables and joints between bus bar and cable.


Mini type passive temperature sensor structure introduction:

1 —— 温度传感器主体 The core of wireless temperature sensor ATE400

2 —— 合金底座,与温度探头接触 alloy bottom, touched with temperature probe

3 —— 锁扣,用于固定合金片 metal hasp, for fixing alloy chip

4 —— 取电合金片,用于感应取电 alloy chip, for CT-powered

5 —— 硅胶垫片,用于支撑合金片 silicone gasket, used to support the alloy chip

6 —— 合金片安装孔,用于安装合金片 alloy chip hole, used to install the alloy chip


取 2 根合金片穿过锁紧件安装孔,将合金片居中对折后锁紧件固定在折弯处;将对折后的 4 层合金片分别穿过硅胶垫片-传感器主体-硅胶垫片;将整体传感器环绕安装部位一圈后拉紧合金片并旋紧螺丝;合金片多余部分留取适当长度并折叠压紧。合金片安装示意过程如下:

注:ATE400 可安装静触头,铜排,电缆头; 如需安装动触头,需要考虑梅花头及套筒高度是否足够。

Firstly, take 2 pieces of alloy chips through the mounting hole of metal hasp, meanwhile fold the alloy chips and fix the metal hasp in the middle of alloy chips. Secondly, take the folded alloy chips through one silicone gasket, the core of ATE400 and another silicone gasket in turn.Thirdly, circle the whole alloy chips around the mounting position and tension the alloy chips, then tighten the screw on the metal hasp. Finally, subtract the excess alloy chips. The complete installation process is shown in Figures 1 to 4.

Note: ATE400 can be installed with fixed contact, copper plate and cable head; If it is necessary to install moving contacts, it is necessary to consider the height of plum blossom head and sleeve is sufficient.


ATE400 无线温度传感器安装实例如下:

The wireless temperature sensor called ATE400 installation examples, see images below.

image.png ATE300M 安装方法 ATE300M Installation Method

ATE300M 多回路式温度传感器适用于低压柜内电气接头等多种场合。

Ate300M multi circuit temperature sensor is applicable to various occasions such as electrical connectors in low-voltage cabinet.


将传感器主体在柜内合适位置通过导轨或者扎带捆绑的方式固定好;NTC 探头通过螺丝、捆绑或硅胶粘贴等方式固定。用 AC/DC 85~265V 电源给传感器供电,上电时电源指示灯红灯闪烁 2 次。

Fix the sensor body in a suitable position inside the cabinet by binding it with guide rails or straps;The NTC probe is fixed by means of screws,bundling, or silicone bonding. Power the sensor with an AC/DC 85-265V power supply, and the power indicator light flashes red twice when powered on. ATE300P 安装方法 ATE300P Installation Method

ATE300P 探头引出型温度传感器适用于设备外壳,母线槽外壳等多种场合。

The ATE300P probe lead out temperature sensor is suitable for various occasions such as equipment casings, bus duct casings, etc.


将传感器主体在合适位置通过导轨或者扎带捆绑的方式固定好;PT100 探头通过螺丝、捆绑或

硅胶粘贴等方式固定。PT100 标配线长 2 米,孔径 12mm。 Fix the sensor body in a suitable position by binding it with guide rails or straps; The PT100 probe isfixed by means of screws, bundling, or silicone bonding. The PT100 standard wiring is 2 meters long and has an aperture of 12mm.





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